Jumat, 31 Agustus 2012

Reception New Employee Design in XYZ Company Branch Office Centre Surabaya using Spider Plot Methods

by : Hartomi Akbar Basory



1.1 Background
Companies are required to plan, organize, direct and supervise quickly and appropriately to the human family resource revenues itself. In the era of globalization has been widely applied application of information technology in various fields. This is done to improve the performance of the previous system. All that is needed in the face of free trade, which began in 2003.
The life of an organization does not just focus and expect only survival, but also expect an improvement or expansion. In order for a company to act towards a better direction, should get a boost from all the human resources work the wheel progress of the company, either from its highest position, the leadership, to the most basic level positions, cleaning service. In other words, the progress of the company due to the quality of its human resources and competitive, it is obtained from a new recruitment system. Major obstacle in developing countries such as Indonesia is the low quality of human resources, especially in terms of creativity and innovation.
There is the tendency of most Human Resources still has a lack of emotional intelligence, such as the nature of envy, which is divided among others, do not like to see others succeed, and slandering each other down colleagues. Due to the complexity of the problems to optimize the performance of the Human Resources requires a performance management involves planning, managing.
Commonly established firms aim for profit or gain as much as possible, this will be achieved if labor can work well. But besides those two factors there are several important components that must be considered. Among others, the human or the term often brainware and database or database. Use of the database is intended as a means of data storage or computerized information. It can reduce errors in the operation that is still often done manually. Another thing, the database can display data quickly and accurately.
Parts or units that normally deal with the human resource is the human resource department or in English is called HR acronym of the human resource department. The new hiring is to determine the company's production system can be realized from upstream to downstream, from the leadership to subordinates, so that performance can be improved workforce that can support the achievement of corporate goals. Achievement of labor can be seen since she was applying for a job, following the selection of a long series of steps until he was hired.
Therefore, to support effective personnel information systems need to be designed a database system more comprehensive staffing that will facilitate the process of data - data that is needed and make a decision regarding the acceptance of new employees. With growing age, was introduced to the public an alternative mapping of individual performance assessment is relatively easy and practical to implement.
This method can be consumed by any company or organization, whether small or large scale, namely the method of spider webs or spider plot in the English language. This method is able to present an assessment of the test results of a representative, accountable and trustworthy are also able to minimize errors due to the placement of an improper judgment.
So it can be used as a basis for decision-making are also hiring new employees to downsizing. Application form of the mapping between the attributes of each individual comparison with standard attributes required by the company, so of testing can we know whether the individual meets or does not meet the company's standards.
Based on the background above, the researcher interested in taking a title which is based on the concentration of management resources and maanusia happen for enterprises and communities, taking the title of: "Designing the New Employee Selection Acceptance PT. XYZ Central Branch (KCP) Surabaya using Spider Plot Method. "
1.2 Problem Formulation
Every company in carrying out its activities can not be separated from the problems or obstacles - obstacles. In trying to achieving desired by the company or organization, the company is always faced with various problems. Companies should be able to fix the problem so that the survival of a company can be maintained baik.Adapun problem formulation that can be drawn from the above are as follows:
"How to draft recruitment selection of new personnel Division implemented a new employee to be able to obtain the position and qualified pharmacists who meet the admission standards of the selection of new employees at PT. XYZ Central Branch (KCP) Surabaya Pharmacist position? "

1.3 Objectives Research
Goal setting research is intended to be used as a reference in discussing, analyzing issues - issues that arise in the research object. In line with the above the purpose of this study can be formulated as follows:

1. In order for the personnel working PT. XYZ (KCP) Surabaya on assessing candidates more tersistem mapping, so that the work of the personnel can be better in the assessment phase of the prospective employee.
2. Designing a database system PT. XYZ (KCP) Surabaya to support the information needs regarding the recruitment of new assessments.

3. The purpose of this study is to investigate prospective new employees who meet the standards in the PT. XYZ Central Branch (KCP) Surabaya for business Pharmacist Pharmacy acceptable position.

1.4 Benefits of Research
1. For companies
For your consideration, as well as inputs for the company to analyze step - a step that has been done so far that affect the level of employee performance that is based from recruitment stage. The results of this study can be used as input in the company's future decision-making, especially in the field of personnel.
Can provide recruitment information quickly, easily and accurately. Assist and enable the managers to make decisions based on data - accurate data. So that the manager be able to decide which candidates are going to be accepted.
2. For others
To determine the application of the theory obtained in college with reality in the enterprise, the problems that exist in the human resources in particular that affect the performance of the employees from the recruitment stage. As a source of reference for researchers in the future.
3. For the development of science.
Can be used as a reference for the development of science, especially relating to human resource management. The results of this study can be used as a means of testing various theories of human resources and personnel.
4. For institutions.
As material information to determine variables - variables or attributes - attributes that influence the selection process karyawa admission that the effect on employee performance and also add to the literature in the field of personnel management based on the application within the company.

1.5 Limitation of Research
In order to produce something more focused and limited time and energy, to study more specialized database system to support the information needs of the assessment and selection of new employees receiving more specialized pharmacist position. Because pharmacists are the leader directly to pharmacies, likened in a company, he was the manager. Is positioned after and be responsible to the owner.
1.6 Systematics Writing
Writing research thesis that the author made are divided into 5 (five) chapters include:

1. Preliminary
This chapter contains the background, problem definition, research objectives, research benefits, limitations of research and writing systematic
2. Literature Review
This chapter contains the previous research, the study of the theory of the description of the theoretical basis that has been obtained by the author during the course as well as from the literature if only offered guidance in thesis writing
3. Research Methodology
This chapter contains the research approach, populations and samples, types, sources and data collection techniques, the operational definition of variables, analisia engineering data, decision-making, the location and time of the study.
 matrix selection and design assessment of new recruitment.
4. Analysis and Discussion
This chapter contains the results of the assessment of data selection recruitment of new individual attributes and attribute serterta standard data analysis and discussion
5. Conclusions and Recommendations
This chapter is the last part of the thesis contains the conclusions of the research and analysis that has been done and suggestions to the authors provide.



2.1 Research Older:
Attached tables on Research - Research with Research Older Writers. This comparison is shown in order to see the similarities and differences between previous studies and the study authors:

No Name Research Research Tools Research Title Research Unit Difference Equations
1 Vivi Ayu
Kusuma Ningrum (2009) "Analysis of Performance Appraisal Method Individuals with Spider Plot Pawnshop Regional Office in Singapore (Promotion of Governance Studies at Title HR Manager)". Dynamic Methods Spider Plot Employees with Assistant Manager position in Surabaya Pawnshop Regional Office 1. Sisem information used to search for validity, use of an alternative method of spider plot as corporate managerial decision making.

2. Thesis of the same model, Qualitative Thesis. 1. Attributes thesis research used different tedahulu researchers attribute to the dipegunakan author.

2. The background of the problem and formulation of different problems, because the authors previous research focused on the promotion of an employee, while the authors of this study focuses on employee selection.

2 Ellyta Yullyanti (2009) "Planning and Procurement Bureau of Personnel and Organization EMR" Multiple Regression Analysis. SPSS. Staff of the Secretariat General of the Echelon II Semester II unit in
the Secretary General of Mineral Resources Description objective background issues:
1. To determine whether there was an effect of recruitment to selection.
2. To determine whether there was an effect on the performance of employees in the recruitment of General Secretariat of Energy and Mineral Resources.
3. To determine whether there was an effect of selection on the performance of employees in the Secretariat General of Mineral Resources. In Conclusion. Description of the journal states:
1. It was found that significantly affected by the recruitment selection that includes the planning and execution time of recruitment.
2. Recruitment indirectly affect performance through the selection process.

Given previous research what current authors assumed not only wind, but has the same potential as well as the room is going places and at different times. With growing age, also develops existing conditions, and therefore the author tries to show the current condition with the endorsement of former research reference material.

2.2 Study of Theory
2.2.1 Definition of Human Resources and Personnel Management
Cut Zurnali (2010) defines knowledge workers or knowledge workers (K - Worker) as an employee of an organization which is responsible for the design, build, test, maintain, and operate the infrastructure and organizational applications with a touch of information and communication technology so as to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently as well as to give satisfaction to the stakeholders of the organization.
According to T. Hani Handoko (2000), Human Resource Management is a withdrawal, selection, development, maintenance, and use of human resources to achieve goals, both individual and organizational goals.
Diverse opinions are present, the author took the outline of Personnel Management or Human Resource Management is the management of the workforce, how memanaj or manage employees in the company or employment settings within an enterprise and institutions, Diman meaning of this arrangement is the meaning of the area - the extent of .
Personnel management in Hariandja (2002) is the planning, organizing, directing, and pengawaan procurement activities, compensation, integration, maintenance, and release of human resources to achieve organizational goals, and community. According to Flippo (Handoko, 2000) definition of personnel management is the planning, organizing, directing, and monitoring the activities of procurement, development, compensation, integration, maintenance and release of human resources in order to achieve various goals of individuals, organizations and communities.
According to Torrington et.al in Mullins (2005, p. 748) Personnel Management is defined as follows:
Personnel management is a series of activities roomates: Enables first working people and the organization roomates uses their skills to agree about the objectives and nature of their working relationship, and Secondly, ensures that management fulfilled.
(Personnel Management is an activity that includes: first, people can work with an organization that uses skill to agree on goals and working relationships are natural, and the second, ensure the achievement of management).
According to some opinions above gives an understanding that comes with different but in essence the same. In it the author concludes as follows:
1. Personnel management is a branch of management in addition to various concentrations of production management, financial management marketing management, international banking and business management.
2. Management personnel are also present as an art and science of leadership, coaching and working relationships are applied based management functions to achieve diversity goals set in advance.

Functions - functions of personnel management. The function - personnel management functions, namely:
1. Plan
For personnel managers: first set of program design and provision of personnel that will help to achieve the company's goal has been decided.
2. Organizing.
A personnel manager should be able to prepare and present the organization in a way to plan the structure of the relationship - the relationship between work and physical factors. All rencaya to be implemented within the organizational structure arranged so that what is done can be directed and run well.
3. Briefing.
The briefing held after the planning and organizing structured, this function it that employees want to work properly and in accordance with what is desired by the company.
4. Supervision
After the above three functions is achieved then the follow up of the activities should be held an oversight. Intended to carry out routine activities can be well controlled. Also for the investigation and comparison and correct irregularities that have occurred and the future does not happen again, either in the same or different and redirect back to the plan that has been created.

2. 2. 2. Understanding Labor
Labor is a population that is of working age. According to Law no. 13 of 2003, Chapter I, Article 1, paragraph 2 stated that the workforce is every person capable of doing the work in order to produce goods or services, both for subsistence and for society.
Labor = labor force + not working
Attempts to appropriate human resources, in the right amount, and placed in the right job, through a process of selection and placement of withdrawal is understanding recruitment. Procurement of labor must always receive special attention by a company because labor is the main asset in the company's role as planners and implementers of any activity of the company.
Menlingkupi recruitment activity form capable described as follows:
1. Withdrawal of labor
This activity is the first activities in the procurement process of labor, to get a group of people who are interested in or want to fill jobs and are eligible to apply for a job. So the withdrawal is intended to get a number of people who are considered potential to be selected.
2. Selection labor
Selection is the process of gathering information for the purpose of evaluating and deciding based standards who will be employed for the purpose of short-term and long-term individual and the organization.
3. Employment
The last activity in recruitment is intended to ensure that the workforce who pass the selection is placed in accordance with sections that need the expertise, knowledge, and capabilities. So, after labor placed in the right job, then it means they have been given the authority and responsibility in accordance with the employment and occupation.

2. 2. 3. Recruitment and Selection of Employees
Meanwhile, according to other experts say that recruitment is the process of searching, find, invite, and set a number of people, both from within and from outside the company as a candidate for employment with certain characteristics as specified in HR planning (Samsudin, 2006).
According Zurnali Cut (2010), an organization should be able to find and attract candidates who have the ability to work with information and communication technology, which is commonly referred to as knowledge workers (knowledge workers).
According Simamora Hendry (2004: 170) states: Recruitment is a series of activities and lure applicants seeking employment with the motivation, ability, skills and knowledge required to cover deficiencies identified in the planning kekaryawanan.
Recruitment activity began when he begins sought and ends when their applications submitted. Recruitment purposes, namely:
1. To fulfill the requirements that meet the standards of knowledge, skills, and work ethic that has defined
2. The surveillance of the employees in the company that suits your needs

Understanding Simamora selection according to Henry (2004: 202) is a selection: The selection process of a group of applicants, the person or persons who paloing meet the selection criteria for the position are available on conditions that exist at present undertaken by the company
According to Sondra P preparedness (2006: 131) selection is: The process consists dar various specifications, drawn to decide which applicants will be accepted or which applicants will be rejected
Based on the above notions, it can be concluded that the notion of selection is the process of selecting a suitable person to occupy a certain position or positions
There are many sources - sources that can be used by companies in recruiting labor. It all depends on the strategy adopted by the company, in order to recruit a productive workforce and reliable. One company with other companies of different sources - sources that are used enterprise recruiting varies. The source also affect the results to be obtained, labor received.
Source - the source will include:
1. Ad
Interesting candidates through advertisements in the mass media, both electronic and print media have a high effectiveness, since it can capture applicants from all walks of life, so that applicants be more.
2. Agency labor suppliers
Every - every province in Indonesia has a job placement office (government) whose function is to channel labor - labor that had signed up to the placement office to the organization - organizations, both governmental and private, that require prospective employees.
3. Institutions - educational institutions
Some companies first order and provide scholarships to students - students who excel to then be appointed as an employee of the company.
4. Leasing (rental)
To meet the demand for employees in the short term, the company can hire a professional workforce to the labor hire company.
5. Recommendations from employees
Employees may recommend candidates to be recruited by the company, on its own ability or expertise of the employee shall be recommended according to the needs required by the company.
6. Nepotism
Some companies recruit potential employees from family members of the employees in the company itself. Recruitment of employees in this way, do not prioritize the ability or expertise of the candidates for consideration.

To generate a new employee of the many candidates who apply. Once they put a cover letter necessary steps still long. According Pribandiono (2003) and Hamsyah (2004: 17) there are a lot of criteria for the selection of employees, namely:
1. Education
2. Property and general abilities
3. Potential job
4. How It Works
5. Personality
6. Managerial
7. Expertise
8. Compensation
9. Interview
Of the many criteria, selected multiple variables for employee selection differing needs of the company. At PT. XYZ takes several variables that can be tested to prospective employees. Variables - variables include:

1. Education
Hasibuan (2002:69) reveals that education is an attempt to improve the skills of theoretical, conceptual, and morale of employees in accordance with the needs of the job / position that aims to end on employee development.
While the methods of education in the narrow sense, namely to increase the expertise and skills managers lead their subordinates effectively. An effective manager in the job will get optimal results. This is what motivates companies to provide education for managerial employees.
According to the National Education Law No: 20 of 2003, education is a conscious and terncana to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process so that learners are actively developing the potential for him to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, the moral noble and necessary skills themselves and society.

2. Property and general abilities
On the other hand Mangkunegara (2005:112), citing Covey & Merrill said that a paradigm shift from the concept of a competency skills are slowly but surely has created a very positive strategic implications for planning and management of human resources in any sphere of business activity. Competencies include: On the other hand Mangkunegara (2005:112), citing Covey & Merrill said that a paradigm shift from the concept of a competency skills are slowly but surely has created a very positive strategic implications for planning and management of human resources in any sphere of business activity. Competencies include:

1. Technical competence: the knowledge and expertise to achieve the results that have been agreed upon, the ability to think about problems and seek a new alternative.

2. Conceptual competence: the ability to see the big picture, to test various modifiers reflection and perspective.

3. Competence to live in interdependence skills effectively with others, including the ability to listen, communicate, creating a win-win situation, and the ability to see and operate effectively within the whole organization.

Psychologically, the ability (ability) consists of potential ability (IQ) and the ability of reality (knowledge + skills). This means that leaders and employees who have an IQ above average (110-120 IQ) IQ let alone superior, very superior, gifted, and a genius with an adequate education for the position and skilled in doing their daily work, then it will be easier to achieve maximum performance .
3. Personality
Cushway (2002: 79) states that personality is the integration of all the individual characteristics into a unique organization that determines, and modified by individual businesses to adapt to a constantly changing environment.
Goleman (2000) in Mangkunegara (2005: 4) states that emotional intelligence (EQ) to determine 80% of the achievement of individual and organizational performance, genius (IQ) is just 20% only determines performance. Even psychologically people who have good emotional intelligence will be able to use his brain and IQ is optimal, otherwise bad temper The intelligence people will not be able to use your brain, IQ optimally.

4. Expertise
In a matter expertise is required, the principle of the majority of Indonesian society is hard work, but with the demands of the modern era, the benefits of the nation's blue continent, Europe in modern science, the Arabs who hold fast to the typical Middle Eastern science advanced trading and the present value of a strong religious separately, the berebda with kelamnya science in the realm of the majority of the African continent plagued life imbalance. In some aspects, such as economic and social aspects, makes education or science lags behind other continents. Thus, with the presence of reasoning skills, demanding the new principle that Indonesia align Work Smart.

According to Gomez-Mejia, Balkin, and Cardy (2001: 259), training is conducted Usually when employees have a skill deficit or when an organization changes a system and employees need to learn new skills. This means that the training is usually done at the time the workers have less expertise or when an organization change the system and the need to learn new skills.

5. Compensation
The definition of compensation by Pearl S. Panggabean (2004: 75) observes: "Compensation can be defined as any form of awards granted to employees as remuneration for their contribution to the organization". According Veithzal Rivai (2004: 357) put forward that:
"Compensation is something that is accepted in lieu of employees contribute their services to the company."
"Do not ask (in advance) what you get from the state, but just ask your self (which is in your heart), What have you made for your country?" John Flitzgerald former U.S. President Kennedy.
It also underlined straight to mind every worker and prospective new workers at each company. Early admission selection process of new employees must be discussed between the Prospective Employee Management Personnel regarding remuneration or a more plural words, compensation or salary. This is still happening for enterprises - companies in Indonesia, discussed the current salary scale acceptance first month's salary and there is not even agreement on compensation talks too. Beginning a relationship should begin with the openness to make progress for the company and the welfare of the workers, therefore the salary scale is also important to be discussed and agreed upon.

6. Interview
The conversation was carried out by the two parties, namely the interviewer or interviewers, who asked the question and terwawancara (interviewee), which provides answers to these questions. (Lexy J, 2006: 186)
If the interview to be the sole means of collecting data, or as the primary method given position in a series of data collection methods other, he would have characterized as the primary method.
In every selection of new candidates are always presented the interview or the interview stage, it aims to determine the required Personnel stout to identify, record and assess. New recruits do have a great passion for the work, but the spirit must also be based on the skills and compensation. Teamwork or teamwork, educational background and experience should also be owned by any prospective new employees. As each new candidate will be an employee who is not going to work alone, have subordinates who not only ruled but asked to move forward together and the boss or leader to be executed orders and propose ideas to advance the company.
Both are aimed at the same, promoting the company. Educational background is also important to measure how content they fill a position. Indeed present experience of work, but a new candidate from the junior high school, high school and CF have a variety of experience, from both a personal life as well as their participation in a student organization or student organizations.
Of all the above, it takes the interview to find out what the prospective new employee every company needs to obtain and achieve progress.

2. 2. 4. Methods spider plot
According www.quantum-hrm.com mapping / mapping individual performance is very important for companies to have a clear picture of the capabilities of each individual worker, compared to the standards set by the company.
On this occasion will be introduced to an alternative method of assessment of individual performance is more easily implemented method that Spider Web (personal spider plot). This method has its own uniqueness.
Compared with other methods, personal spider plots more easily done by any organization, from small to large scale. Personal Application Spider Plot is in the form of mapping (mapping) attributes possessed by each individual or prospective employees as compared to the standard attributes required by the organization / company. Consequently, there is activity in the process of mapping benchmark. (Tridayanti, 2007)
In the book Exploratory Data Analysis states belong to Prof. John Tuckey by statgraphics centurion in www.statgraphics.com stated, "When a relatively small number of samples need to be Compared and the number of variables is large, a radar or a spider plot can be very effective, the magnitude of each variable is shown along one of the spokes "(When a small number of samples must be compared and the large number of variables used, radar or spider plot is a very effective way out. value of each variable itself can be viewed on any radar radius)

Pribadiono (2003) and Hamsyah (2004: 17) argues that the mapping (mapping) of the individuals can be divided into 2 (two) groups, namely:
1. Static methods spider plot, is used for the assessment of potential employees who have not been active, including psychological aspects and facets of human resources
2. Dynamic methods spider plot, is used for the assessment of the work and activities during his interaction with the field work that aspires, including interacting with the group
Applications spider plot requires the identification of attributes that should be possessed and filled by candidates to fill vacant positions.
These displayed a conceptual framework to more easily understand the research thesis author, with the following chart:
Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework for Research, 2012